Lyric analysis
The song “STUCKINMYBRAIN” has a great meaning behind the lyrics which our group can create through our music video.
“Not long till the drugs make me stupid” these lyrics display drug abuse that the artist may have been through and the struggles of it. In our music video we can show the use of drugs and the effect it has. This is backed up by the line in the next verse saying “I get sentimental when I’m on drugs”.
The 2 lines “she gets sentimental like her mum does” and “we get sentimental about the same stuff” display a possible love interest in the song which our group can show through close up shots in our music video of our artist getting emotional over a girl he loves.
A line in the chorus says “find out if you love me”. This further connotes one of the main representations of the song which is heartbreak as the artist doesn’t feel loved by the person he loves. This is backed up from a line later in the chorus that says “tell me you love me” connoting the artists desperation for this girl.
The line “stuck in my brain again” tells the audience how he is drowning in emotions and can’t stop thinking about this girl. Even with all the drugs that mess with his head, he still thinks about the girl. We can show this in our music video through possible quick shots of flashing lights and drug misuse.
In the next verse the artist says “but I’m trying to make myself a better person”. Connoting how throughout the song the artist tries to change his ways so that the girl will love him. Our group can show this in the music video by using shots of our artist throwing away his drugs and trying to make change in his life.
The artist may try to change but in the next verse he says “pour another shot, make strong one”. This displays how the artist can’t escape drugs and alcohol. This creates a representation of addiction in the video. Which our group can recreate through handheld camera shots to show the artist drunk and high.
He calls the way he feels “an illness”. This shows how the artist can’t accept that he is addicted to drugs and alcohol. He also says “looking for a great escape, might jump off a building”. This line shows how the artist is always trying to escape from his thoughts through the use of drugs and alcohol. This line also creates another representation in song of suicide. Our group can show this through shots of the artist falling or on top of a tall building. This may be difficult to replicate with less access to many places due to covid.
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